Valerie Karlen

Managing Partner

MAS FH in fiduciary services and business consulting
Certified fiduciary
Degree in hotel management (Hôtelière-restauratrice HF)

Limmatquai 84, CH-8001 Zurich
T +41 44 508 00 65

Studied at Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne (Degree in hotel management). Various posts in hotels within Switzerland and abroad.

Until 2012, several years as an employee for a trust company focusing on auditing and business consulting for the hotel trade with accompanying training as a fiduciary.

Several years‘ experience in teaching financial management at Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne. Coaching of several projects and studies for the hotel and restauration industry.

Since 2012, Managing Partner at SHA Swiss Hotel Audit Ltd focusing on accounting, business consulting and auditing for the hotel industry.

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